Training and Support

Training and Support: We do not sell you a box of software and leave you to pick up the pieces! Our firm provides training and support during both the initial implementation of the system and on an as-needed basis afterwards. All training and support is based on your needs, your data, and your company.

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Our firms train each client differently based on unique company needs. Some clients prefer a classroom setting, while others want hands-on training in their office. Sometimes you just need a refresher on how to close your year.Whatever the training may be, we have a staff of technicians available to train your users based on your specific needs - not the topics found in a generic training manual.

Maintenance and Support:

For almost all Sage Software packages, there is a distinct difference between Maintenance and    Support. Maintenance of a software package requires you to pay the manufacturer to “maintain the software” by releasing newer, better versions.  So by paying annual maintenance, you pay one amount per year in order to receive all manufacturer program updates for that year.  Support is a separate service. 99% of our clients pay our firm hourly for support on an as-needed basis. Sage also offers annual support plans at a bundled rate. We encourage you to explore what option is best for your company.
Click here to access Reasons to Maintain Your Subscription Plan document and to access Sage brochures for plans available for Sage 100c, Sage Abra, and Sage FAS.


Through the use of tools found in the Sage products and the relationship developed with Sage Master Developers, we can help you customize your system for your needs – not everyone else’s needs. View a list of just some of the many Master Developer Add-ons available for your system.

System Utilization:

Are you using all of the tools found in your Sage product? We’ve discovered that most companies need us to review their utilization every year or so. Employees change, needs change, and software changes. Contact us to schedule an appointment to review your processes to ensure you are getting the most out of your software.

Report Writing:

Sometimes using those wizards, manuals, and “help” just do not give you the report you need in a timely manner – especially when the owner needed the report yesterday. We can easily write reports for your company – either through Crystal Reports ®, the software’s native report writer, or through Microsoft FRx. We write them daily, so our delivery time is usually very fast.

Software Integration:

Efficiency is the reason companies buy software. To reduce “double-entry”, we will help you integrate your new software package with other internal packages your business is already running. For true system integration, the Visual Integrator module is typically required. Click here for a matrix of integrated solutions compatible with Sage100c. See Master Developer Add-ons for access to even more integrated solutions.