Select the Right ERP Solution

Learn more about how Accounting Systems Consulting Group, LLC can save your company time and money by inquiring below for a free 30 minute consultation: 

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Select the Right Product

Selecting new software for your business is overwhelming. A team of CPAs and technology consultants will conduct a complimentary needs analysis to determine the right software solution(s) for your company.



Narrowing down the list of software packages to choose from is an overwhelming task! Our firm has experience in knowing what types of software will suit each company’s needs. Let us make your list of options shorter.


Once you have selected your specific product, we will work with the software package’s tools and you to design a system that’s the right fit for your business – not your neighbor’s business. This can often lead to operational consulting.

Data Migration

Most businesses implementing new software are migrating from old software to a newer package. Our experience in data migration (an automated way to pull and push data) is enhanced by employing a team of experienced database administrators. Owning Visual Integrator (link to VI description) often reduces our hourly fees charged by making thedata migration more automated.


After you provide the appropriate infrastructure (network, hardware, etc.) compatible with the software package selected, we will install the software at your locations.


Implementation begins by conducting a review of the design phase of theengagement. Our team will then work with your key staff members to set up the system, module by module. Rigid testing occurs for each module setup. Dual processing (processing through old and new systems simultaneously) is sometimes required. Setup then leads to software integration and training on the new system. (add anchor to page down to the section Training and Support)

Software Integration

Efficiency is the reason companies buy software. To reduce “double-entry”, we will help you integrate your new software package with other internal packages your business is already running. For true system integration,the Visual Integrator (link to VI description) module is typically required. Click here for a matrix of integrated solutions compatible with Sage 100c. See Master Developer Add-ons for access to even more integrated solutions.